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The Schuco AWS 70 H system combines architectural and design features with functional benefits. Excellent thermal insulation and minimal basic depths offer architects and facade designers a comprehensive level of design freedom.

Schuco AWS 70 H

The rounded SL vent contour in conjunction with the appropriate glazing bead is an attractive solution for softer lines.

With its bevelled outer corners, the Schuco AWS 70 system is ideally suited to refurbishment projects or to add visual emphasis.

The Schuco AWS 70 system, with its very narrow steel contour, is ideal both for refurbishing old steel windows or fi tting new homes with attractive steel-look windows.

Also available as flush-fitted vent, outward-opening vent or as crank-operated turn/tilt solution for large, heavy units.

Wide range of profiles including the design systems: Schuco AWS 70 RL.HI (Residential Line), Schuco AWS 70 SL.HI (Soft Line) and Schuco AWS 70 ST.HI (Steel contour).

Compatible with the Schuco ADS and ADS HD door range.

Schuco AWS 70 H

Schuco AWS 70 H

Schuco AWS 70 H

Основни характеристики:

Топлоизолация: Стандртно до Uf 1,7 W/(m2K).

Ширина на профила: 70 mm.

Взломоустойчивост: до WK3.