
Чрез фасадните слънцезащитни елементи се постига не само пасивна регулация на потока от дневна светлина, но при добре проектиран дизайн могат да се внесат интересни естетически решения. По този начин една обикновена фасада може да придобие по-привлекателен и в крайна сметка уникален външен вид. Слънцезащитите могат да се изработят от различни материали, като най-предпочитан е алуминият.

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The Schuco Large Louvre Blades ALB passive are the complete solution for comprehensive solar shading using large louvre blades from 105 to 690 mm robust and durable. With its wide range of louvre blades and brackets, the SunControl passive louvre system has many benefits. From protection against overheating to optimised natural light and increased comfort.

Vertical, horizontal and/or cantilevered positioning possible.

Cantilevered positioning possible, with identical louvre blade widths or in stepped look.

Blade angle 0/90°, 15°, 30° or 45°; free choice for sheet metal blades.

End cap brackets

The universal bracket is suitable for all louvre blades from 175 mm to 470 mm and is available in four standard angle variations between 0 and 45°.

Cantilever brackets

The ideal fixing option for profiles over 305 mm is available in four different angle variations and is suitable for large spans and structural loads. Another advantage is the continuous alignment of the louvre blades and the unbroken corners.

Clamp fixing brackets

Clamp fixing brackets are ideal for installing profiles from 155 mm to 305 mm and for toplights or skylights. The use of these brackets ensures the continuous alignment of the louvre blades and unbroken corners.

Push-in brackets

The push-in bracket is very straightforward to install. It is simply pushed in, no screws are required. The brackets are made of robust sheet aluminium and suitable for 105 and 155 mm louvre blades. They are set at an angle of 45°.

Louvre blade types

PM (Passive, Hollow Blade): Hollow blades in elliptical look 105, 155, 205, 255, 305, 360, 400, 415 and 470 mm.

PM (Passive, Metal Blade): Sheet metal blades in elliptical look (closed or single skin, open design) 470, 580 and 690 mm.